Manpower Report
The cooperation between PPNT and the Manpower group has been documented in the form of the report “Labour market of Stargard Subregion. Adaptability and growth potential.”.
Stargard’s dynamic economic and social development is bringing about significant, positive changes which we see in our immediate surroundings. These phenomena are to a large extent in line with the ambitions and expectations of the city’s residents.
The development of local companies, new investors in industrial parks, as well as a rapidly
expanding service sector engage a growing group of Stargard residents and attract new ones. Dynamism and progress always bring new challenges. We want to meet them and ensure the continuation of development, as well as respond to the requirements of new times. That is why we undertake to examine the real possibilities of Stargard and its immediate surroundings in the context of a quantitative and qualitative analysis of the labour market.
We are aware that the space we have built over the past few years is a place conducive to companies with different potential. We have further steps ahead of us, including an attempt to find an answer to the question of what measures should be taken today to ensure that new industrial projects find their place in Stargard. We are also keen to provide access in our city to people who would like to pursue their professional and private goals here.
We would like to present to you a report prepared in cooperation with Manpower, a leading company in the recruitment and employment market. It is the result of joint analysis and research, including surveys conducted among employers and people seeking employment. I hope that this will be a valuable document for further analysis and studies on Stargard development.

Rafał Zając
Mayor of the City of Stargard